Sold Kitchens

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  1. 1909 6items
  2. Acanthus 2items
  3. Alno 17items
  4. Anthony mullan 3items
  5. Ashley Ann 5items
  6. Aster 3items
  7. Ballerina 4items
  8. Bauformat 1item
  9. Bax 3items
  10. Beckermann 7items
  11. Beeck 5items
  12. Benchmarx 3items
  13. Bespoke 71items
  14. Boffi 7items
  15. Brigitte 6items
  16. Bulthaup 23items
  17. Burbidge 9items
  18. Callerton 3items
  19. Chalon 19items
  20. Charles Yorke 12items
  21. Chippendale 1item
  22. Chiselwood 3items
  23. Christopher Peacock 3items
  24. Clive Christian 39items
  25. Commodore 2items
  26. Crown Imperial 5items
  27. Daval 4items
  28. Davonport 3items
  29. deVOL 10items
  30. Doca 1item
  31. Edwin Loxley 6items
  32. Eggersmann 10items
  33. Ernestomeda 1item
  34. Euromobil 2items
  35. Ewe 1item
  36. Fired Earth 1item
  37. Habitat 2items
  38. Hacker 30items
  39. Hanak 3items
  40. Harvey Jones 12items
  41. Hatt 2items
  42. Howdens 23items
  43. Humphrey Munson 5items
  44. Intoto 1item
  45. Jeremy Wood 1item
  46. John Ladbury 2items
  47. John Lewis 9items
  48. John Lewis of Hungerford 7items
  49. Johnson & Johnson 3items
  50. Keller 5items
  51. Kesseler 1item
  52. KH System Mobel 1item
  53. Kitchen Stori 5items
  54. Kuhlmann 5items
  55. Kutchenhaus 8items
  56. Laura Ashley 4items
  57. Leicht 48items
  58. Mackintosh 6items
  59. Magnet 20items
  60. Mark Wilkinson 45items
  61. Martin Moore 23items
  62. Masterclass 32items
  63. McCarron & Co 2items
  64. Mereway 12items
  65. Minotti Cucine 1item
  66. Mobalpa 1item
  67. Mobilturi 6items
  68. Modulnova 2items
  69. Mowlem & Co 16items
  70. Neptune 26items
  71. Neville Johnson 1item
  72. Next125 5items
  73. Nobilia 40items
  74. Nolte 21items
  75. Olive & Barr 4items
  76. Optiplan 6items
  77. Paula Rosa 3items
  78. Pedini 4items
  79. Plain English 6items
  80. Poggenpohl 8items
  81. Poliform 1item
  82. Porcelanosa 8items
  83. Porta Romana 1item
  84. Pronorm 14items
  85. Rational 11items
  86. Rempp 5items
  87. Rencraft 6items
  88. Rotpunkt 15items
  89. Roundhouse 11items
  90. RWK 1item
  91. Scavolini 2items
  92. Schmidt 3items
  93. Schroder 1item
  94. Schuller 25items
  95. Second Nature 1item
  96. Sheraton 14items
  97. SieMatic 45items
  98. Smallbone of Devizes 30items
  99. Stoneham 12items
  100. Stormer 1item
  101. Stosa 1item
  102. Symphony 19items
  103. TKC Stratto 4items
  104. Tom Howley 16items
  105. Uform 1item
  106. Ultima 1item
  107. Underwood 4items
  108. Warendorf 17items
  109. Wellmann 1item
  110. WOLF 5items
  111. Wren 16items
Item Condition
Set Descending Direction
  1. Used Kitchens

    In Frame Used Shaker Kitchen, Miele Appliances

    Save up to £42,000*

    *vs buying on the high street

  2. Used Kitchens

    Chalon In Frame Used Shaker Kitchen, Freestanding Island


    Special Price £18,999 Was £20,999

    Save up to £26,000*

    *vs buying on the high street

  3. Ex Display Kitchens

    Hetherington Newman Ex Display Shaker Kitchen with Pantry & Gaggenau Appliances


    Special Price £47,999 Was £55,999

    RRP £111,999

  4. Ex Display Kitchens

    Nobilia Easytouch Handleless Ex Display Kitchen, Smeg Appliances


    Special Price £8,499 Was £10,499

    RRP £14,500

  5. Ex Display Kitchens

    John Lewis Liverpool, Vermont Shaker Ex Display Kitchen

    John Lewis


    RRP £16,400

  6. Ex Display Kitchens

    NEW Cancelled Order Nobilia Easy Touch Handleless Kitchen, AEG Appliances


    Special Price £17,499 Was £23,999

    RRP £32,400

  7. Ex Display Kitchens

    John Lewis Liverpool, Leckford Ex Display Kitchen

    John Lewis


    RRP £17,229

  8. Used Kitchens

    Large Tom Howley Hartford Used Kitchen with Appliance Garage & Dining Table

    Tom Howley


    Save up to £100,000*

    *vs buying on the high street

  9. Used Kitchens

    Krieder Handleless Used Kitchen, Siemens Appliances

    Save up to £37,000*

    *vs buying on the high street

  10. Used Kitchens

    John Lewis of Hungerford Painted Used Kitchen & Utility

    John Lewis of Hungerford


    Save up to £28,000*

    *vs buying on the high street
