Quality certified

Each used or ex display kitchen, bathroom, bedroom item submitted for sale through Rehome is inspected, in person where possible, by a member of our marketing team. We do not accept an item if it doesn’t meet our stringent quality criteria.

Our sellers, both domestic and trade, all consult with a Rehome team member and agree to sell through us adhering to our expectations for quality, cleanliness and accuracy of their listing. 

All products are listed for sale through Rehome with an honest reflection of condition. Listings will also include age (where known), level of use and any damage, including photographs, so you are able to make an informed choice.

Viewings can be arranged if desired.


Efficient, friendly and attentive service from both the office based team (sales and customer support) and the field based dismantling and removal crew. Seamless job. Very pleased with the process.

Ian S, Rehome customer

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